Wednesday, May 4, 2011

GreenB0x !!!

Wow,so long didn't sing k d!!so long didn't gather with old friends d!!
Singing with them,everything seem perfect...Really really have fun..Or maybe not everything...haha..have to exclude Yeang Zhang karaoke.. :P..haha

This song was the funniest part right?haha...& the 王力宏+卢巧音version好心分手...& Chuan Liang sing de wat张雨生de song wat会游泳的鱼a...soo classic..hahaha. .:D

XQ,u just took our pic...forgot to take your own a?haiz...Next time i sure take your photo :P

prove tat I'm a blur person...haha...

See...everything looked perfect...just the ppl in front spoilt the pic. :P

XQ,how you felt when you taking this photo...haha...

I'm broke !!

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